The People Say...
Nicole possesses hundreds of messages from friends and total strangers who are in awe of her positive, inspirational attitude. Here are just a few examples...
"Nothing it seems, is going to pull you or kick you down. Your strength and determination are the stuff that most people only read about but you, you are our real-life living example of STRENGTH and a modern day HEROINE."
"You are an amazing woman. With everything you've gone through, you keep such an optimistic outlook on life. You are truly an inspiration to us all. Keep doing what you're doing girl."
"I think of you everyday and hope things continue to go well with your recovery. You are an absolutely incredible person, who always holds her head high and thinks of the positive. I wish I had half your strength… you are an inspiration!"
"You are a strong lady... I don't know too many people that could endure what you are going through... your operations sound very painful."
"Once again, your words have inspired me to be a more thankful, considerate person. Your tenacity and strength wow me."
"You are so incredibly brave! To possess the courage to fight as you have, to not only survive that horrific shark attack, but to overcome almost insurmountable medical complications, and finally land on your own two feet… is truly inspirational!"
"You have been a great inspiration in my life. You are one of the reasons I keep going. I have felt like giving up so many times but when I read your blog it makes me feel so foolish for the way I am. It makes me come back to earth & realize that my problems are very small. You are a strong & truly wonderful woman."
"You are truly an inspiration. Life is fragile and can change in the blink of an eye... even with no visible danger in sight. I have realized that the people who have experienced the most adversity in life are the ones who love life the most. You find the silver lining in each day... no matter how difficult a time you are going through. Anytime I start complaining about some trivial matter in my life, my thoughts go to you. You are courageous and uplifting!"
Nicole possesses hundreds of messages from friends and total strangers who are in awe of her positive, inspirational attitude. Here are just a few examples...
"Nothing it seems, is going to pull you or kick you down. Your strength and determination are the stuff that most people only read about but you, you are our real-life living example of STRENGTH and a modern day HEROINE."
"You are an amazing woman. With everything you've gone through, you keep such an optimistic outlook on life. You are truly an inspiration to us all. Keep doing what you're doing girl."
"I think of you everyday and hope things continue to go well with your recovery. You are an absolutely incredible person, who always holds her head high and thinks of the positive. I wish I had half your strength… you are an inspiration!"
"You are a strong lady... I don't know too many people that could endure what you are going through... your operations sound very painful."
"Once again, your words have inspired me to be a more thankful, considerate person. Your tenacity and strength wow me."
"You are so incredibly brave! To possess the courage to fight as you have, to not only survive that horrific shark attack, but to overcome almost insurmountable medical complications, and finally land on your own two feet… is truly inspirational!"
"You have been a great inspiration in my life. You are one of the reasons I keep going. I have felt like giving up so many times but when I read your blog it makes me feel so foolish for the way I am. It makes me come back to earth & realize that my problems are very small. You are a strong & truly wonderful woman."
"You are truly an inspiration. Life is fragile and can change in the blink of an eye... even with no visible danger in sight. I have realized that the people who have experienced the most adversity in life are the ones who love life the most. You find the silver lining in each day... no matter how difficult a time you are going through. Anytime I start complaining about some trivial matter in my life, my thoughts go to you. You are courageous and uplifting!"